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13 Top Rated Things To Do In Hanoi: Get your checklist ready!

13 Top Rated Things To Do In Hanoi: Get your checklist ready!

Hanoi was quite literally our first experience in Vietnam. It was our first glimpse into the Vietnamese culture and it was our period of acclimatization. That being said we only had a day to see the city. The number of things to do in Hanoi was numerous but I am glad to say that we were able to see whatever we had on our list. 

Most people say that it is impossible and we would have dearly loved to spend more time in the city. The way things stood, that wasn’t an option. So we made the best of what we had and we thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Transport In Hanoi

Things to do in Hanoi

Transport in Hanoi

There are different ways of getting around Hanoi. You can walk, you can take a cab, a tuktuk or even a bus. We chose to use our trusty old feet to get around. The best way is to figure out your transport from the Hanoi airport to the Old Quarter and make your way from there.

With so many things to do in Hanoi people wonder if it is even possible. I can reassure you that it is.

Things To Do In Hanoi

By the time we reached Hanoi it was late in the evening. Anxious not to waste even a few hours we started moving around the city and soon we were ticking of item on our ‘ Things to do in Hanoi ’ list.

1. The Water Puppet Show

WaterPuppet Show

⭐️ Rating: 4.5/5 (373 Reviews) Price: $9 per person Duration: 50 minutes 📍Meeting Point: 31 Lo Su, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi Details: Read more on Get Your Guide Now!

Our first stop was the Water Puppet show. Water puppetry is a skill and an art that has been linked to this city for decades. In fact, it dates back to the 11th century.

The wooden puppets used in this show are made from wood and lacquered. They are then moved about from backstage by a number of people.

“What an amazing show! We loved learning about Vietnamese folklore, hearing the authentic music, and lovely singing! The puppets were so beautiful and fun to watch.”

David (read more reviews now!)

It takes a whole team to get the whole performance rolling. From the puppet masters to the people who sing and play the instruments. Everything is choreographed to perfection.

Our host informed us that we needed to get the tickets soon or they would sell out. True enough, the Water puppet show was a famous tourist attraction and we were lucky to get good seats. If you don’t have time to wait in line, I highly recommend booking your express ticket online.

2. Hoan Kiem Lake

Hoan Kiem lake is my favorite on the things to do in Hanoi list.

Hoan Kiem lake is my favorite on the things to do in Hanoi list.

Our second stop was Hoan Kiem lake. Definitely a place meant for relaxation and fun. This was one of the highlights of my time spent in Hanoi. Located in the city, this lake is a part of the city’s life and culture. You will find loads of people walking around it both the wee hours of the morning and even once dusk has set in.

It is a place where people meet, socialize, stroll, engage in sports and other activities. The paved path along the lake is perfect for this. I loved the vibe here and always made sure to end my day in the area.

I’ve already spoken about this lake in detail so I won’t talk much about it this time round. In case you haven’t read my views about Hoan Kiem lake yet then head over to my post titled ‘Hanoi’s Gem That Glistens In The Dark

3. Hoa Lao Prison


A glimpse back in time.

This prison was definitely at the top of my list of things to do in Hanoi. I wanted a glimpse into the Vietnamese history especially since the Vietnamese wars occurred in the recent past. There is much that we need to learn about history. One of the main thoughts that entered my mind as I walked through this prison was the need to treat people as living beings. As individuals who deserve basic respect and dignity.

The Hoa Lao Prison will take you back to the Vietnam war and will show you just how much the people of the country have suffered. We talk about the war as a thing of the past but the amount of time that has elapsed has not really been that much.

Many of the people alive in the country today have memories of that time. Plus the effects of the agent orange still lingers and is another sad reminder of the horrible past.

4. The Temple Of Literature

Visiting the temple of literature is one of the intriguing things to do in Hanoi.

Visiting the temple of literature is one of the intriguing things to do in Hanoi.

The temple of literature is also known as Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam. It is an interesting place that is steeped with symbols and their meanings. It is a place that is dedicated to learning and was once the first university of the Vietnamese.

One thing that really caught my eye was the intricate architecture of the building. Plus, it was a silent oasis despite being in a bustling city. I highly recommend visiting and bumping it up on your list if you are in the area.

5. West Lake And Truc Bac Lake

Fruits Lake

Fruits anyone?

Once we were done walking through the Hoa Lao prison we turned our steps in the direction of West Lake and Truc Bac lake. Situated side by side these lakes are close to a number of tourist attractions. We were headed towards the Tran Quoc pagoda so we had to stop and take in the view. We even met some interesting fruit sellers on the way.

6. Tran Quoc Pagoda

Tran Quoc pagoda is one of the fun things to do in Hanoi.

Tran Quoc pagoda is one of the fun things to do in Hanoi.

Our next stop was the Tran Quoc pagoda. It is a temple that was built in the 11th century that is still in use today. Fascinatingly enough the Tran Quoc pagoda appears as if it is situated at the center of the lake. Wandering around this pagoda was one of my favorite things to do in Hanoi. The tower is an incredible sight and the white Buddhas make a stark contrast against the brown stone work.

The tower isn’t the only thing to see though. You can look into the prayer halls, watch the services and observe the architecture of other buildings. Be mindful that this is an active religious building and that people are praying. So no loud noises, give way to devotees and dress conservatively.

7. One Pillar Pagoda

Marveling at the one pillar pagoda is another popular activity on our list of things to do in Hanoi.

Marveling at the one pillar pagoda is another popular activity on our list of things to do in Hanoi.

One of the smaller sights that Hanoi has to offer is the one pillar pagoda. At first I was rather astonished and I wasn’t sure what the one pillar refers to. When I go there I realized that the pagoda is balanced atop a single pillar. I found this pretty neat.

8. Lening Park And The Flag Tower Of Hanoi


A look up at the flag tower.

We passed through Lenin park on our way to see the flag tower of Hanoi. Unfortunately our timings were a bit off and we couldn’t ascend right to the top. I was continuously surprised by the number of parks that are scattered across Hanoi. I guess it is these parks that keep Hanoi beautiful despite the fact that it is a bustling city.

9. Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum

Visiting the Ho Chi Minh mausoleum is one of the popular things to do in Hanoi.

Visiting the Ho Chi Minh mausoleum is one of the popular things to do in Hanoi.

The Ho Chi Minh mausoleum is an interesting structure to say the least. Unfortunately for us it was closed off for public viewing when we visited. That however did not stop us from admiring the building from outside. I have heard that remains of the President Ho Chi Minh lie inside.

What More Does Hanoi Have To Offer?

Like I have said before there are numerous things to do in Hanoi. The above is just a list of places to see. Let me list a few things that you must do when in the city.

10.Grab A Coffee

Did you that one of the things to do in Hanoi is to indulge in some of the varieties of the delicious Vietnamese coffee. Hanoi is in particular is famous for the egg coffee. I tasted it only when I reached Halong bay but I loved it. Head out to the nearby cafes and get your shot. You won’t be disappointed!

11. Street Food At Its Best

⭐️ Rating: 5/5 (2,125 Reviews) Price: $28.58 per person Duration: 3 hours 📍Meeting Point: 41 P. Lương Văn Can Details: Read more on Viator!

The street food in Hanoi is awesome. Try the Band mi which is a baguette stuffed with assorted meats or try one of the noodle soups. No matter where you go you will find vendors selling all kinds of savories. Stop a moment and indulge.

If you don’t want to navigate through the busy streets on your own, book a street food tour! Here you can get a local guide to take you through all the best places in town. You can choose from two timings and depending on which you will get to dine at a restaurant for either lunch or dinner.

“Duy took us to a number of great places to try assortment of authentic local dishes. Many of them were places we would not have had the confidence to search out ourselves.

So it was really fun and interesting to experience local culture and chat to someone who was really well informed about old Hanoi.

Duy checked our preferences and we were all very full by the end of the night. Followed up with email detailing our itinerary and giving tips. Highly recommended.”

Charissa (read more reviews now!)

Oh and the best part about this tour is that it includes vegetarian options. Oh and while you are it, don’t forget to check out Hanoi’s famous train street!

12. Shopping

Another famous item on the things to do in Hanoi list is shopping. Jackets and crocs are a popular favorite. While they may look like the original brands high chances are that they are not. So don’t buy because you like the brand. Buy because you like the jacket!

13. Chill By The Lake

A lot of locals make their way to the many lakes that Hanoi has. Sitting and relaxing here in the evening time is a popular pastime. That isn’t all that happens. A number of groups gather for some exercise. The atmosphere is just pleasant.

There are a lot of things to do in Hanoi. While I managed to cross of the most important items off my list I wish I could have stayed in the city for longer. Maybe I will go back some day.

What were your favorite things to do in Hanoi? Let us know in the comments below!

Don’t want to tick off the things to do in Hanoi on your own? I would recommend taking a walking tour of the city. A local guide will take you through the highlights of the city!

things to do in Hanoi

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Thursday 2nd of February 2017

I have never been to Asia. Guides like this will be very helpful when I actually get to travel there. It looks like an amazing place!


Wednesday 1st of February 2017

Very interesting tips! Saving them for a later Asian trip. Happy travels!

Mike Clegg - Travel and Destinations

Wednesday 1st of February 2017

I'll be visiting Hanoi in March and can't wait. Thanks for the tips and suggestions. It looks fantastic.


Wednesday 1st of February 2017

Great suggestions. It's way down the road, but we are deliberating adding Vietnam to our Feb 2018 itinerary. There's plenty to do, but we will have 2 kids with us (2.5 and 8 months) would you say the city is a bit too congested or fast paced for little travelers?


Wednesday 1st of February 2017

Not at all. I guess if you are to of you and each one has an eye on one kid you should do fine. Also keep a firm eye on the traffic. Other than that you are fine. It is a really beautiful place, it is cheap and has some great food!

Birthe (from Wandering the World)

Wednesday 1st of February 2017

We've visited Hanoi as well in 2015, and pretty much did the same things you did. It was our first city in Vietnam as well and we were overwhelmed by the endless stream of motorbikes, accompanied with a loud orchestra of honks. We didn't really think the Water Puppet Show is a must do, but instead go to the Weekend Night Market: it's huge and great for an evening stroll. And don't forget the Bia Hoi Corner: beer for less than 30 cents! We really enjoyed the Food on Foot Street Food Tour as well. They'll take you to places you otherwise would never have found, and let you taste things you otherwise would never have ordered! If you can get used to the busy streets, Hanoi is great, right?


Wednesday 1st of February 2017

Hanoi is absolutely the best. I wasn't so fond of the water puppet show either but I added it for two reasons. My husband liked it and it was a nice introduction to the Vietnamese culture... Well sort off.. We had just one night in Hanoi and such limited time. Feel like kicking myself for not doing the food street tour but we just didn't have time. It is one of those places where you can spend so much time and yet not finish all that you want to do!