We are a fun loving couple that loves to travel and we founded GlobeTrove together. If you have been following our blog then you will already know that we are partners in crime and the figurative marital knot has cemented that partnership in more ways than one.
My husband let’s call him S, has been traveling the world for over a decader and he introduced me to this enamoring way of life 8 years ago. In order to be flexible enough to travel when the opportunity presented itself, I had to make a tough call. I gave up my career in Nursing even though I had just obtained my Masters degree in Cardiovascular Thoracic nursing (big words I know!). That is a decision that I do not regret. Together we have covered 9 countries and that does not include the multitude of trips in India.
GlobeTrove was just an idea that was conceived somewhere in October 2016 but it only took shape in December when we were traveling through Vietnam. That is because we decided on the core essence that we wanted GlobeTrove to represent.
“Travel to challenge stereotypes and to see how similar we all are with your own eyes”
The more we travelled the more we realized that stereotypes are propagated across the world. You can’t fit everyone into boxes and deem them different. It is important to get down to a base human level to understand how similar we are in order for people to truly connect. True there are differences… Those differences make us unique and beautiful.
So with the core essence of GlobeTrove laid out, we set out to document our travels and experiences. It is a long task because we cover so much area so fast but we have made plenty of headway. Many people struggle to find content to write about. We however have to find time to share all that we have experienced. In the near future we also plan on providing a few travel guides to the cities and countries we have visited. These will be free of cost… So don’t worry there are no strings attached!
The whole purpose of GlobeTrove is to communicate information, tips and experiences as we travel along. I hope you will join us on our amazing journey.