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16 Famous Food In The Netherlands

16 Famous Food In The Netherlands

Ever since I started offering advice on travel planning to the Netherlands, I have found that a lot of people are curious about what to eat in Amsterdam. I’ve answered how to eat in Amsterdam like a local before but I haven’t really covered all the famous food in the Netherlands that should be on your food bucket list when you hit the city. It is definitely time to rectify this.

Most people will tell you that the Netherlands does not have much of a cuisine. I would be hard pressed to agree with you when I started out living here. Over the past years, I’ve learned to appreciate some of the food items that just traditionally Dutch. To understand that some items on the menu are just so seasonal that you have to be there are the right place at the right time.

I’m curious about how many people have tried the famous food in the Netherlands and how many trips it took you to try most of them. So don’t forget to let me know in the comments below.

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1. Broodje Kaas- The Cheese Sandwich

Now the Dutch are pragmatic people. They don’t have over complex meals and generally they tend to eat broodje kaas for food. This is the famous bread and cheese sandwich. Sometimes you will see them add a slice of ham inside. These sandwiches are easy to make, easy to eat and suffice to sustain you. Pretty much what you need for a mid day meal.

I was initially a bit taken aback. Being Indian we are used to warm meals and a pretty extensive menu. I have to say that after almost two years here, I don’t think I’m going back from my broodje kaas. Why? It reduces so much of my work load. I’m not forever worrying about food and what I have to serve.

It also goes beyond that. The Dutch cheese is exquisite. I’ve always been a fan of cheese. Every meal offers me a variety of different types of cheese to choose from and for me that’s ecstasy. 

But it isn’t just a slice of bread and cheese. The Dutch make some amazing sandwiches. In fact it may not seem like the most popular food in the Netherlands but it is!

2. Frikandel

I had a bit of difficulty when I sat down to try and describe a frikandel. Its basically shaped like a sausage but it is made up of different kinds of meat. So you will find that the texture is very different. It is fried and eaten hot which makes it a great snack for the colder days. It is without a doubt one of the most famous food in the Netherlands.

3. Eierbal

Now the Eierbal is a snack that is traditionally sold in the North of the Netherlands so we get it a lot in Groningen and I love it.

I’m sure that it is sold in places in Amsterdam too but I’m not sure where. If you see this on the menu make sure to try it because it is a regional delicacy.

Eierbal translates to egg ball. It is a boiled egg that covered in ragout and then breaded. Post that it is deep fried and served. Tastes awesome and is great as a winter snack though it is sold throughout the year.

Now this may not be listed everywhere as famous food in the Netherlands but in the north it is really popular.

Eierbal is one of the famous food in the Netherlands in the north

4. Frites

Mannenkin Pis Fries Amsterdam

Frites are fries. The Dutch eat a lot of potatoes and that’s probably where they get the most of their carbs aside from bread. One of the most popular ways to eat potatoes is as fries. In my honest opinion, the Dutch fries are the best in the world. It is really hard to find a place that messes up fries. You can however find one that constantly excels at it.

Manneken Pis is one of the best places to eat fries in Amsterdam. We generally head to the one near the Dam square. The lines however can get long but the hot fries are worth it. I tend to gauge the line. If there are less than ten people in line, then I join the crowd.

What makes Manneken Pis fries special is the number of sauces that you can choose from. While the fries are constantly amazing, your combination of sauces can change each time making the fries feel different. 

If you want a quick bite and are wondering what to eat in Amsterdam on the go then go for the good old Dutch fries. You won’t regret it. Bonus points because it is one of the most popular food in the Netherlands.

5. Pannenkoeken

De Carrousel Pannenkoeken is a popular place to eat in Amsterdam especially for people with young kids.

De Carousel Pannenkoeken is one of the most popular spots in Amsterdam but its always crowded!

Dutch pancakes are called pannenkoeken. These are one of my favorite meals at all times of the year. Depending on where you go and what you order, these can make for a pretty affordable meal.

Pannenkoeken are large pancakes. They are thicker than the French crepes. This means that they are very filling and that one pancake is actually a meal. In fact, there are many times when  I split a pancake with our kids because we can’t finish so much food. 

Now the pancakes can be sweet or savory. Sweet pancakes can be topped with powdered sugar, stroop (syrup), apple, raisins, nuts and more. The combinations differ from restaurant to restaurant but they always taste delicious.

The savory versions generally have cheese in some form or the other. Popular additions are egg, mushroom, tomato, bacon etc.

The truth is, even though I am explaining it out, most people will probably think of the French crepes. The Dutch pancakes are different and not everyone knows that it is one of items that is considered famous food in the Netherlands.

6. Broodje Hamburger

I know that the hamburger is normally associated with American food but the Dutch love their hamburgers too. Most of the common eating spots (eetcafes) have different versions of these hamburgers on sale. These come with a meat patty and are loaded with veggies. I love them because they feel so fresh and aren’t always as oily and greasy as the American ones which works well with my IBS.

Famous food in the Netherlands? Well broodje hamburger may not be famous but it is popular!

7. Bitterballen

When talkiing about the famous food in the Netherlands, one cannot forget bitterballen. It may make you think that the food is bitter but that’s not true.

Bitterballen is the quintessential Dutch snack that is enjoyed both both the locals and the internationals alike. It is usually served alongside a drink and is one of the most common items on a borrelplank. It is made of ragu that is coated with breadcrumbs and then deep fried. You will find this served with Dutch mustard (which is one of the best souvenirs to take back from the Netherlands).

8. Kibbeling

Being a country that has a huge coast line, it should not be a surprise that the Dutch consume a lot of fish. One of the most common ways to eat fish all year round is as a dish called Kibbeling. These are basically tiny bits of cod fish that are dipped in dough and fried. They are served with a mayo based sauce.

Kibbeling stalls are located all across the country. They look a lot like the Oliebollen stalls and by rule of thumb you will know if the particular stall is good by the crowds of people around it. If you are looking for famous food in the Netherlands, kibbling should be on your list.

9. Herring

While we are on the topic about fish in the Netherlands, one of the most iconic items that should be on your list of what to eat in the Netherlands is Herring. This fish is served raw with a side of chopped onions. Some people like to eat by the tail. Yes you heard that right. Others like them chopped in more manageable pieces.

Another way to eat herring is to have with bread. This is often stuffed with herring, onions and pickles. Lekker as the Dutch say.

Herring is definitely one of the better known famous food in the Netherlands. After all everyone wants an iconic pic with the fish by the tail right?

10. Borrelplank

I think that Borrelplank is the Dutch version of tapas. The borrelplank is different from place to place and is essentially a number of different types of cheese (normally locally produced), cut vegetables with a side dip, baked bread, spreads, olives and the local worst (sausages).

You also have a number of items that are served hot on the plate. Popular additions here are the bitterballen, kaasstengels and vlammetjes. These are best eaten with one of the local beers or a glass of wine.

I think that the borrelplank is a great way to try all the famous food in the Netherlands in one go. So if you are short on time, you know what to do.

Borrelplank Amsterdam

11. Vlammetjes

Vlammetjes served up with sauce

If you are interested in Dutch food that has a bit of spice in it (Yes I know I mentioned both Dutch food and spice in a single sentence!) then you should try the vlammetjes. If you translate this from Dutch to English it would be little flames. Now I’ll admit these aren’t spicy. I’m Indian and maybe my baseline is much much higher when spice is concerned. I just don’t see anyone turning red in the face because of the spices used to make it.

Unlike most Dutch food, this however requires spices so when you compare it to the general food that is served up, little flames is pretty appropriate. Spice levels aside, I find that I love these. The little crisp bites are perfect nibbles when you are out and chilling with a beer.

What To Eat In Amsterdam For The Sweet Tooth

12. Stroopwafel

Stroopwafels in Gouda

Stroopwafels have taken Instagram by storm but that’s because most people see the stroopwafels loaded with all kinds of toppings. They look super pretty in the pics but man… They are so sweet. I tried one once. There were five of us in the group versus one loaded stroopwafel. It was still too much! 

The best stroopwafels are the normal ones. Hot off the waffle iron and stuffed with stroop aka syrup. These can be found at the Albert Cuyp market and are way better than the ones that you have in one of the Insta famous shops. Plus you don’t have to stand in long lines. 

The best way to eat a stroopwafel is with black coffee and without sugar. The sweetness of the stroopwafel offsets the bitterness of the coffee and it’s just the perfect combination. These local shops also have packets of stroopwafels that you can buy. I find these better than the ones in Albert Heijn. If you take these home, balance them on top of a cup of hot coffee. The steam will melt the syrup inside and make it perfect.

Still wondering what to eat in Amsterdam? Trust me, if you’ve not added the stroopwafel to your list of famous food in the Netherlands then you are so missing out.

13. Licorice / Dropje

Famous food in the Netherlands that will challenge your palate? I would say dropjes. You will find that there are whole shops dedicated to dropjes. Dropjes are none other than licorice. The Dutch have so many varieties of these. There are hard and soft, sweet and salty, flavored and unflavored, large and small, long and short… You get the gist of it.

Licorice does take some getting used to. So if you are new to the Dutch favorite, try the small, soft and sweet. You can then up the ante from there.

14. Hagelslaag

Hagelslaag is by far one of the most popular items of food in the Netherlands

I somehow don’t know how to translate Hagelslaag. Before we lived in the Netherlands I would said its chocolate sprinkles and in essence it is. But… Here in the Netherlands Hagelslaag is an emotion. These chocolate sprinkles are drizzled liberally over a piece of buttered toast. I always was skeptic but it is good!

It is generally eaten at the breakfast table and is something that both adults and children enjoy. Luckily you don’t have to make your own Hagelslaag. In comes in a nice cardboard box and you can pour it out easily. This makes it one of the best food souvenirs to take back home from Amsterdam.

15. Speculaas

Speculaas biscuits are one of the popular food in the Netherlands and are found in all grocery shops

If you’ve sat down for a coffee in the Netherlands, you’ve probably been served a small cookie or biscuit at the side. These are speculaas biscuits. They are very popular and loved by almost everyone. You will find these in the bakeries and in the grocery shops. I usually have a box of them that I can serve whenever I have company.

The best part is that this famous food in the Netherlands is easy to pack and take back home. And if you run out, you can even buy them online.

Autumn And Winter Treats

16. Oliebollen


A traditional Oliebollen store in the Netherlands.

I love love love Oliebollen. Now this dish is typically eaten during the colder months of the year. The oliebollen stalls open up in mid October. You’ll see the colorful stalls in various places and the sheer number of people in front of them should be enough to attract your attention. 

What are Oliebollen? Olliebollen loosely translates into oily balls and are deep fried balls of dough. These deep fried balls are served hot and often tossed up in powdered sugar. There is just something about the cold rainy days offset by the hot delicacies. 

Everyone has their favorite places to eat these. I would advise not eating ones that have been set aside for long because they taste best fresh. So the longer the line the more likely that the Olliebollen are great.

There is a lot of famous food in the Netherlands. Some of the above is popular locally and not with the tourists. When I started out writing the post, I was not sure whether to include them and then I realized that the whole idea was to make everyone aware of what people like and do locally. That’s the reason why you will find a number of things on my list but not in others.