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11 Fun Free Things To Do In Porto

11 Fun Free Things To Do In Porto

Porto is not the most expensive city in Europe and it is a popular favorite among people who like to travel on a budget much like us. Luckily there are a number of free things to do in Porto that keep the budget low. It also means that you have lots to keep yourself occupied during the day. Generally speaking I found the city lively with a lot of different events going on.

My brother who backpacked through the city mentioned that the hostel scene is particularly nice with plenty of opportunity for socialization available and a very active nightlife. Shawn and I on the other hand traveled with kids and we found that while there were things to do with them, the city was not as geared towards toddlers as many of the other European cities that we visited.

Don’t get me wrong. We loved the city as did the kids but there are a couple of detractors that you should be aware of when planning your trip.

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Free Things To Do In Porto

1. Ponte Luis I

Is Porto worth visiting

Ponte Luis I or Luis I bridge is a bridge that spans across the river Douro and connects Porto with Gaia. Now this bridge is particularly unique because it is two tired. The lower part is used by vehicles to traverse across and the top part is used by people to walk across. There is also a tram that uses the top of the bridge.

Crossing this bridge by foot is very popular because of the amazing views that you get when you are at the top. The downside is that it is a steep climb up but well worth the effort because this is by far one of the top free things to do in Porto.

2. Porto City Hall

Visiting the city hall is one of the free things to do in Porto. Don't forget to pose with the sign in front too.

If you’ve wandered around Porto then you’ve probably seen the gigantic sign of the city’s name. The Porto City Hall lies just behind it. The building is pretty hard to miss and is gorgeous. If you visit during business hours, you can get a free tour of the inside of the building. My brother did this and said it was very cool. We unfortunately always arrived at closing time due to my poor planning.

Another one of the fun free things to do in Porto when you are close to the city hall is to pose with the Porto sign. It is located right in front of the building.

3. Átrio da Estação de São Bento

Not everyone thinks about visiting the train station as one of the free things to do in Porto but they should. Átrio da Estação de São Bento is gorgeous and this is because of the numerous blue tiles aka azulejos that adorn the walls of the atrium. You do not even have to step in all the way. 

The station is close to the city center so you don’t really have to deviate much to reach there. 


While it may seem like you have to pay to enter all the museums in Porto, it is not true. In fact, there are a couple of museums that are absolutely free to enter, so if you are on a budget in Porto, I would suggest that you put these on your map.

4. Antiga Cadeia da Relação do Porto

The Photography museum is one of the top free things to do in Porto.

Antiga Cadeia da Relação do Porto is one of the coolest free things to do in Porto and I would have totally missed this if it was not for my brother’s love for photography, I probably would have missed it all together. Located in the old prison building of the city, the photography exhibit captures emotions and people from different parts of the world. I found the photographs really moving.

The building itself is well worth exploring. You can see how the prison was structured and what it was like back in the day. It is also fascinating to see that unlike the rest of the buildings in the area, this one is triangle shaped! You can see why this is one of the fascinating free things to do in Porto.

5. Museu de História Natural e da Ciência da Universidade do Porto

If you are traveling to the city with kids and are looking for some of the free things to do in Porto that would work with family travel then the Museu de História Natural e da Ciência da Universidade do Porto (Museum of Natural science and history to be short) is one of the museums that you should put on your list.

The museum was actually established pretty recently in 2015. There is currently some refurbishment work going on so the whole museum is not open to the public. What is open is a room dedicated to science and one section dedicated to chemistry. It is an interesting place to spend a short while in. Hopefully more exhibits will be open as time passes.

Unique Streets

Another one of the cool free things to do in Porto is to wander around some of the notable streets. Each one is pretty unique. While some are known for their shopping, others are great places to chill and take in the view.

6. R. das Flores

R. das Flores is one of the streets that we kept heading back to somehow. It wasn’t just because it is one of the famous streets to spend some time in but because it would lead back to our accommodation which was along the waterfront. 

R. das Flores usually receives plenty of footfall. It has loads of souvenir shops and other cool stores that you can browse through. For most part of it you will probably cross this street a couple of times when you head to the various attractions in the city.

7. Cais da Ribeira

Strolling along Cais de Ribeira is one the top free things to do in Porto.

Cais da Ribeira is one of my favorite parts of the city even though it can get super crowded. This street runs parallel to the Douro river and provides some really unforgettable views. On one side it has loads of great restaurants where you can catch a bite to eat, drink some of the famed Porto wine and listen to the street performers play their music.

While the place is crowded in the day, you will find that it is equally as active in the night. Sometimes, you will also find some flea markets that pop up here which are pretty cool if you want some souvenir shopping done.

8. Miradouro da Serra do Pilar

You can see one of the iconic view points from here and definitely one of the free things to do in Porto that you should not miss.

Miradouro da Serra do Pilar is one of the many viewpoints in the city and by far one of the coolest when it comes to free things to do in Porto. The spot gives you a view of the skyline of Porto, Ponte Luis I and the Douro river. Just a fair bit of warning. Check the weather before you visit. We wandered here a couple of times but on one occasion we got caught in such a storm and boy were the winds strong up there!

9. Visit The Beaches

Did you know that Porto has beaches? Yup! They are along the Douro river. I haven’t visited them but in a conversation with one of the locals in the area, I was told that these beaches are soft sand. They are extremely pretty but have a more pebbly feel to them. If you want soft sand where your children can build sand castles (priorities am I right?) then you need to head to the beaches near Matosinhos.

10. Wander Around Matosinhos

Matosinhos is a cute town that is located on the outskirts of Porto. It is a quiet place to be and in summer, you will find that its beaches are bustling with tourists. Matosinhos is also a fishing village so you can be sure that your meals will be loaded with fresh fish! The town itself is relatively small, easily accessible by bus and walkable. 

11. Enjoy The Street Performances

The Portuguese are incredibly talented and you will find that the street performers here are pretty exceptional. Foot tapping music, spell binding voices and more will have you rooted in one spot for hours if you don’t have anywhere to head to. You will particularly find that the performers are seen across the city during the evening hours.

As you can see, there are a couple of free things to do in Porto that can help you fill up your itinerary and reduce the amount you spend in the city. Are there any additional recommendations that you would add to this list? Let us know in the comments below.

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Free things to do in Porto
Free things to do in Porto