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Is Porto Worth Visiting? 10 Pros & 2 Cons To Consider

Is Porto Worth Visiting? 10 Pros & 2 Cons To Consider

Is Porto worth visiting? I’m pretty on the fence with this question and I think it boils down to what kind of a traveler you are. A lot of people have talked about Porto a lot and it is the current trendy destination but when we visited it, I could see both the pros and cons of the city.

Don’t get me wrong. I loved my time spent visiting it but if I have to be objective in evaluating it, I would say that there are reasons why you can fall passionately in love with the city and a number of detractors from the experience.

Since my brother was visiting the city while we were there, I got to see another facet of the city that I probably would have missed since we travel with toddlers. This is because he tried a lot of the backpacking routes and activities. Obviously we joined him wherever we could. He did regal us with a lot of stories about the fun things he did in the city.

Being me, I’m going to list both the pros and cons. That way you can decide if Porto is the city for you and if you should put it on your itinerary.

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Is Porto Worth Visiting – Pros

1. Porto Is Cheaper Than Most European Cities

The first thing that always springs to mind when asked ‘Is Porto worth visiting?’ is the fact that the city is cheap. Now mind you, I’m not comparing it to many places in south east Asia but I am comparing it to the big cities in Europe. You will find that the accommodation is so much more affordable and you get so much more for your money. That isn’t all. The food is also cheap and so is the transport. Entertainment will not empty your wallet either.

In fact, when compared to Lisbon, I found that Porto was much much cheaper. So if you want to find a good European budget spot to spend some time in, then Porto should be a spot on the map.

2. It Has An Active Nightlife

One of the biggest draws about Porto is the fact that the city has a very nice nightlife. I seriously felt as if the city never sleeps. Not only are the bars, pubs and restaurants open late but there is also quite a lot to do in Porto at night. There are get-togethers that happen frequently based on your hobbies. My brother for example managed to find some board game meetups that played till the wee hours of the morning and were extremely fun.

You could alternatively walk along the promenade and listen to the street performers perform or choose to sit at one of the numerous restaurants with a view. Or just climb up the bridge for a nice night time walk. The options are endless.

3. The Food Scene Is Excellent

Is Porto worth visiting? If you love food, it certainly is!

Is Porto worth visiting? If you love food, it certainly is!

Just like Lisbon, the food in Porto is exquisite. Now there are all sorts of different places that you can try the food at. From the pricey Michelin stars to the humble abodes. No matter where you go, you won’t be disappointed. 

We initially found ourselves walking all over the city to find great places to eat, only to realize that the restaurant just next to our accommodation served up an amazing meal. I think what I really liked about the food hubs is the chatter. You always felt welcome, are never rushed and the food is always a work of art.

4. There Is A Lot Of History

Visiting the Bolsa palace is one of the fun thing to do in Porto

Porto is steeped in history. You can see this as you walk around the city. If you are curious, I would recommend taking one of the walking tours through the city because the stories that they tell you cannot be replicated on text. It is very interesting to hear the local perspective. 

Other great places to learn about the history of Porto include the Bolsa Palace and the Portuguese center for photography. One would wonder why a photography museum ranks high on the history scale, right? Well, it is situated in an old prison.

The prison building itself is well worth exploring so make sure that you slot in time for that too. We visited very close to closing time and I wished I had more time to explore the building thoroughly.

5. It Is Well Known For Its Wine

Is Porto worth visiting? If you are a wine lover then it certainly is. Porto is well known for its wine and wine cellars. In fact, if you cross over the river and wander along the promenade, you will find so many different wine cellars where you can take a tour or indulge in wine tasting. 

With the proximity to the Douro valley which is Portugal’s wine growing region, Porto is never in short supply when it comes to the alcoholic beverage. Just note that the iconic Port wine is sweeter and is a dessert wine. 

6. There Are Some Great Day Trips That You Can Take

Things to do in Braga, Portugal.

Like Lisbon, Porto is pretty well connected and since it is located in the north, it is a great base when it comes to exploring the north of Portugal. You can take a day trip to Guimaraes, Braga, the Douro valley, Penida de Geres and more! Believe me, each of these locations is spectacular.

I would know because we spent quite a deal of time exploring the north. You can easily visit them as part of tours, on your own by car or via public transportation.

So is Porto worth visiting? If you love traveling off the beaten path and visiting some gorgeous parts of Portugal then yes!

7. It Has A Very Good International Airport

One of the biggest attractions when it comes to Porto is the fact that it has a good international airport. This means that you can fly in from almost any pat of the world and not just Europe alone. It makes visiting Porto so easy.

When you consider the amount of time you save in regards to multiple connections, it really makes sense. It makes the city accessible for people who want to head out on a short holiday and don’t have time for the long commute. I think it’s just one of the reasons why Porto has become popular.

8. Porto Has Some Good Beaches

Did you know that Porto also has its own fair share of beaches? You don’t have to drive far away to get to them. One thing that you should know however is that the beaches very close to the city have pebbles. The best beaches with the nice sand are in the area of Matosinhos. It’s a little further away but it is much quieter and definitely worth the visit. 

9. The Weather Is Good

Generally speaking, everyone comes to Portugal for warmth. We sure did. Located in the south of Europe, it is one of the warmest places on the continent. So it is definitely sought after during winter. Nowadays with global warming, everyone wants to escape the heat too. The south of Portugal can get intensely hot. That’s when Porto has so much better weather. So yeah… In terms of weather, Porto is definitely winning!

10. There Are Some Stunning Views

The walk along the river is divine even if it is crowded. Is Porto worth visiting? If you love stunning views then yes!

Is Porto worth visiting? If you love jaw dropping spell binding views then yes it is! Since the city is located on a hill, you will find that the higher you go, the better views you have. There are many places where you can catch these views. The numerous bridges offer a vantage point where you can see both sides of the river. 

But if heights aren’t your thing, I would urge you to walk along the promenade on both sides of the river. Not only are these bustling but they are great places to catch the perfect photograph of Porto on the banks of the river.

Is Porto Worth Visiting – Cons

1. It Is Very Hilly

As you can see the terrain is hilly in Porto

Now even though being hilly means that you have some really magnificent views, it also means that you are constantly walking uphill or downhill. This can get tiring. Generally speaking though there are many staircases that cut down the distance a bit but I generally prefer the gradual inclines even though they are generally a longer distance. Just make sure that you wear sensible footwear.

If you are walking about with kids, leave the strollers behind. It is super hard to push it through most parts of the city. Instead opt for a baby or toddler carrier.

2. There Aren’t A Lot Of Activities For People With Young Kids

Porto is a great place for people with a bit older kids but if you have very young kids, you may struggle a bit to find things to keep them occupied. Generally speaking, my kids love museums but we found that unlike the museums in the Netherlands there wasn’t much designed to stimulate younger children. The employees of the museums however do a lot to go the extra mile and talk to the children. This is a definite bonus.

As you can see, there are a lot of different pros and cons when it comes to the city. Is Porto worth visiting? Definitely but I would advise heading over with realistic expectations or you may be a tad bit disappointed. The city is beautiful, the people are friendly and the food is awesome. Social media however tends to paint it as a kind of travel unicorn and if you have that picture painted in your mind, you may find yourself disappointed.

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