I don’t know how many of you have been to Vietnam but I do know that I was there a little over a month back. I’m not the most observant person and usually choose to go about my life at my own pace oblivious to my surroundings. Something however caught my attention right from the time I stepped out in Hanoi. That was none other than the little men of Vietnam. By little men I am referring to the miniature statues that I found almost everywhere.

Life is as you view it. The little men of Vietnam give you a glimpse into an artist’s mind.
These tiny sculptures are popular garden ornaments and are hardly two inches tall. They reminded me a lot of garden gnomes in the way that people use them. The big difference is that the little men represent the Vietnamese way of life. These sculptures are made to resemble various activities and occupations that the Vietnamese partake in. The little man who fishes is probably one of the most popular versions that we have seen.

The little men of Vietnam aren’t the only things that catch our attention!
I think what makes the little men so unique is the care that is put into detail. Most of these men are placed on a mini representation of a village. Stones, bonsais and even tiny little lakes are used to recreate the world that the Vietnamese live in.
Each little world is different. Each little world is unique. Most importantly, each little man has a story to tell.

Little men often tell great stories!

Art is in the detail.
Art is often looked over. There is talent in almost every kind of craft. When I look at the little men of Vietnam I think of the amount of effort and skill that is required to construct each of these little worlds. It involves the artist who crafts these tiny sculptures, the person who creates the picture of the world in his mind and finally the person who puts the thoughts into actions. Most of these tiny worlds require nature to take its course so that it gets a more natural look.
Sunday 19th of March 2017
It's hilarious because my mom buys TONS of those and puts them in the garden. Funny enough, I am vietnamese and it's just like a thing to buy little ornaments like this for decoration I guess!!
Tuesday 21st of March 2017
I think they are really cute. In fact I was obsessed with them. Wanted to buy a few and come home but my husband drilled some sense into me. We don't have a garden here so it wouldn't be fair to the little men now would it?
Sunday 19th of March 2017
This is so unique! I wonder who creates them and places them around town? I'd love to find out if it is an ongoing art exhibit or if it's a grassroots-type movement. Thank you for sharing this quirky little find!
Ha @ Expatolife
Sunday 19th of March 2017
I'm from Vietnam and I didn't really notice those little men! It's always interesting to me to hear from visitors about Vietnam. Hope that you had great time in my country.
Tuesday 21st of March 2017
Loved my time in Vietnam. Your food is really really amazing. I wish we could get as fresh vegetables here in India.
Megan Johnson
Sunday 19th of March 2017
These are so cute! I would have loved seeing these. I always enjoy finding this kind of thing. I want to say it feels cozy, but I don't think that's the right word haha
Tuesday 21st of March 2017
Totally get what you mean. To me its more like the figures in a doll house. Its something that can help your imagination run amok.
Annie Hall
Saturday 18th of March 2017
I have some little men in our garden. He's sitting in front of a pavilion, fishing in absolute silence. He never seems to catch enough fish, as he never comes inside, even if it's raining :) And at the corner, two old men are playing a highly tense game of chess. I always enjoy looking at them. It's like a quiet, tiny world inside our own world.
Tuesday 21st of March 2017
Hahaha... Your little men sound really interesting Annie. Kind of like a little elf in the real world. We should probably learn a bit from them. Take some time off to relax and enjoy the sound of the water and the fresh air.