One of our biggest deterrents to travel is our cat Jynx. Don’t get me wrong, it isn’t that we don’t travel a lot and that we haven’t found places to keep her while we do.
It is more about the guilt that we feel when we leave her behind. That sad look that enters her eyes when she sees the bags being packed quite literally breaks my heart. Anyone who is a pet parent will understand this.
One of the ways that we reduce this guilt is taking her along but that means that our options are limited because we don’t like flying with her and public transportation with an animal is difficult. Our best option is a road trip with a cat.
Now don’t gasp like that. It is possible and we have done it a number of times. That’s why I thought it would be wise to talk about it so as to help others who are contemplating it too.
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A ROAD TRIP WITH A CAT: Should you take the plunge?
The first time we travelled with our cat in a car was when we adopted her. We drove for over 18 hours that day, six of which were with her.
Now as a three-month-old cat in a new environment, she was scared and we were newbies to the whole saga of traveling with a cat. Add the fact that we did not know the cat well and you had a recipe for disaster.
Worse still, the roads were under construction and by the time we reached our destination all three of us (cat included) were exhausted. In retrospect would we have done it again? Definitely but we would have made the trip better prepared.
What Are The Things You Should Consider Before A Road Trip With A Cat?
Over time, we have taken Jynx on a number of road trips and now a road trip with a cat doesn’t scare us. In fact, we look forward to it because we genuinely find that we love her company in the car.
There are a couple of things that we would advise that you keep in mind and a couple of things that you should set up before you head out. Let’s take a look at them shall we.
1. How Many People Are Travelling?
If you are heading out on a road trip, are you doing it alone or are there going to be people who are travelling with you. How does this matter? If you travel alone then you do run into a couple of difficulties when it comes to a road trip with a cat.
A worry that comes to mind is whether you let the cat out of the carrier or not. When we travel together, one of us ensures that the cat does not come in the driver’s section of the car. Remember safety comes first.
Use A Cat Divider
Luckily there is a way around it. I would recommend using a car divider for cats. Okay, it doesn’t divide your cat so its a complete misnomer. It just divides the space in the car. I have seen it used for dogs in Netherlands and quite liked the concept. It helps ensure that the back of the car is isolated from the front of it and that means that the cat can’t get underfoot suddenly.
If your cat is comfortable in its carrier through the journey, then you won’t have to worry about this. Note however that there are two types of dividers. The ones for dogs will not necessarily work with cats as you want to seal the smaller spaces.
2. Does Your Cat Know Everyone Who Is Traveling With You?
It is important that your cat knows everyone in the car that you are travelling. Cats are creatures of habit and by going on a road trip with a cat, you are upsetting its daily schedule.
The more unknowns that you add to the trip, the more difficult it is for the cat to adjust. I would suggest introducing the cat to whoever is travelling before hand so that both the individual and the cat can get acclimatized with each other.
3. How Long Is The Journey?
The length of the journey is also important because both you and your cat will be stuck in the car for a long period of time. That is why I always suggest heading out for short drives initially to get the cat acclimatized to the car. Try a small road trip with a cat first. It helps you iron out the kinks in your plans before you head out for more ambitious longer road trips.
4. Is There Pet Friendly Accommodation On The Way?
Depending on what kind of road trip with a cat you are embarking on, you may want to look at the different types of accommodation on the way. Sites like have an option where you can filter accommodation that allows pets. I usually even call the accommodation that I have selected in advance just to cross check.
5. Are You Crossing Any Borders Or Entering Any National Parks?
Road trips in places like Europe can mean crossing borders between countries. Make sure that you check the formalities required to take your cat into the country before you head out. Another important consideration is National parks.
Many national parks may not allow your pet in so make sure that you check on that too. We faced this issue when we were driving to Munnar but luckily our paperwork was in order.
Things To Carry On A Road Trip With A Cat
Now that we have covered all the considerations that you should take, let’s switch over to the things to carry on a road trip with a cat. Our first trip with Jynx included some cat food and a cat carrier but as time passed and we went on more trips, we slowly began to realize the virtue behind planning in advance and carrying a couple of items to make ours and her life easier.
Let’s start off with a cat carrier. The best type of cat carrier for a road trip with a cat is the one that your cat is comfortable in. We have two that we use. One is the hard case carrier which is certified for air travel and the other is a soft cat carrier. Both of them work well because Jynx is comfortable in both of them. Make sure that you loop the seatbelt through them when you place them on the seat behind. This will keep the carrier secure through the journey.

A cat litter box is essential if you are headed out on a long road trip with a cat. We usually carry a covered litter box since it prevents spillage. Normally we wedge it between the front and back seat so that the movement of the car does not cause it to topple. The question arises is how long should a road trip with a cat be after which you would carry a litter box. Ideally, we take one along if the drive is anything more than two hours. Again, it is up to you as it depends on each cat’s personality.
Do not forget to pack your cat supplies for the road. This includes cat litter and cat food. I usually pack a little extra because you never know what unforeseen circumstances may crop up along the way. Add in a few cat treats too. It helps to give the cat a treat or two on the way to reward good behavior or to calm it down.
Food and water bowls are another thing that you should not forget when heading out on a road trip with your cat. While Jynx does not eat food on the way, there are a lot of cats who do not mind. Irrespective, we place a few pellets of dry food in the bowl and keep just in case. Wondering what kind of bowls to carry. There are many options from collapsible bowls to steel or plastic ones in the market. I particularly like ones with a broader base as they are less likely to spill.
Now the cat harness and the leash is subjective. Our cat is used to being on the leash but she does get spooked, so it means that you have to keep an eye on her. Other cats may not be comfortable and that means that you run the risk of them running off. If your cat is comfortable on a leash, then taking their harness and leash along may be a wise idea as it gives them a chance to stretch their legs in a place that isn’t the car.
Cat toys are something that you should pack when heading out. They help to keep the cat entertained both during the journey and when you reach your destination. In addition to that, you will find that they are a source of comfort to your pet since they are known. If your cat likes catnip, then a catnip toy would make a great addition to the list.
There you have it! That’s everything you need to know about taking a road trip with a cat. So now that you are all prepped, make sure to kick back and enjoy. Don’t forget to take loads of pics on the way. You obviously should pair them with some road trip captions before posting on IG. Just saying…
So tell us… Have you ever been on a road trip with a cat? What was your experience like? Do you have any tips for fellow cat lovers? Let us know in the comments below.
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