India has been a popular tourist destination for a long while. In fact, the large country sees an influx of tourists into its borders every year. For many people who come from the west, India feels different. It has different cultures, customs and the very way in which the country functions is different from what they are used to.
Some go back talking about the culture shock they experienced. Others talk in awe about the temples, colours and the food. As an Indian and a person who has spent a great deal of my life in the country, I thought that I would offer a couple of travel tips for India that could aid people who choose it as their next destination.
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Table of Contents
Travel Tips For India: The Planning Phase

We divided all our travel tips for India into different segments. From the planning phase to the actual travel, we have tips for all parts of your journey. I truly believe that your trip to India begins when you start deciding where you want to head to in the country.
Like so many other people who travel, I find that a lot of the joy is in the planning and in the anticipation of the journey. So many options and so much to do. How does one even begin to narrow down the list? Some of these travel tips for India will help you do just that.
1. Come With An Open Mind
When I think of all the travel tips for India that I have to offer, one in particular really stands out. Come to the country with an open mind. There is a lot of disparity between the rich and the poor, it can and probably will leave a lasting impression on you when you see it firsthand. The cities are large and the number of people jostling about in them are numerous.
India is crowded due to our large population which is more apparent in the cities. It brings about a host of different problems. Lack of good sanitation, poor transport systems and let’s not start talking about the noise… It is part of the country’s metropolitan areas. Try to look past it. There is lots to see and experience.
2. Leave The Cities And Head To The Rural Areas
The cities of India definitely do hold their own allure but there is much to explore and see outside them. Many people prefer to visit just the cities because it is convenient. A larger number of people speak English in the cities. If you don’t mind heading off the beaten path you will find yourself rewarded with different experiences.
Life is simple in the villages. Green fields (depending on where you are and the season), animals and the silent hum of the daily life brings peace that you cannot hope to experience in the crowded Indian cities. I have found that some of the most rewarding experiences that we have had in India were off the beaten track.
3. Pace Yourself
India is an enormous country. Don’t think for one moment that you can plan a week vacation in the country and cover it all.
One of the reasons (other than the vast expanse of land) that this is not possible is the fact that the roads are bad, the transportation system can suck at times and not all places have airports. Luckily the major hubs do have airports in them but bear in mind that they do not give complete access to all parts of the country.
That does not mean that you should plan a six month vacation (though if you can you should!) but rather that you should consider which part of the country you want to visit and focus your travel in that area. If you love slow travel, then India is a great place to try it out.
4. Plan Around The Festivals
Indian festivals are a thing to behold. From the colors of Holi to the lights of Diwali, the decorations on Christmas to the delicacies of Eid. Check to see which festivals are being celebrated in the area you are headed to. You should not miss an opportunity to join in the festivities.
You will find that many of the captions and quotes on India refer to one or the other festival that is celebrated in the country.
5. Check The Weather
Due to the varied terrain, the weather differs in each part of the country. The mountains in the north are cooler and as you come lower down south, the heat prevails The country houses a desert in Rajasthan, a long beautiful coastline, some of the highest mountains in the world and forests that are home to a large variety of wildlife.
That is why one of the travel tips for India that I repeat again and again is check the weather. Know what you are heading into and whether it is something you will enjoy. The monsoons is one example. I personally love the monsoons in Goa but not everyone else does. You can’t head into the water at the beach because it is rough and everything including you is almost always wet.
6. Carry Travel Insurance
You never know when things can go wrong and it isn’t just when you travel to India. A travel insurance covers a lot of costs and definitely keeps your wallet from bearing the brunt. Check and see which insurance is best for you.
Travel Tips For India: How To Enhance Your Experience

Now that all the planning is done, it is time to talk about our travel tips for India that will help enhance your experience once you set foot in the country. Remember that there are a lot of experiences to be had and keeping an open mind to those experiences is the only way to truly enjoy them.
7. Enjoy The Indian Cuisine And Indulge In The Street Food
Indian food is famous across the world and once you set foot into the country, you will be greeted with aromas almost everywhere you head to. There are a couple of things that you should know about Indian food. It is often spicy and oily.
The oil is not always just oil but something that the locals called ghee which is clarified butter. So if you are a vegan you may want to ask them not put it on your food.
Remember that the food that is eaten in different parts of the country changes as you go. It all depends on what type of crops are grown in the region. I would suggest eating local to truly enjoy the culinary experience. Street food in India is another totally different experience.
You can’t visit the country without indulging in some of the different options that are available. It is cheap and easily accessible especially in the cities. Just make sure that you buy your meals from a place that is relatively hygienic.
8. Learn How To Bargain
Haggling or bargaining is all part of the Indian shopping experience. It would be remiss of me not to add it to our list of travel tips for India. It is important to know where to bargain. Bargaining at roadside vendors and stall is considered acceptable. Do remember that it is their livelihood though and while there is a markup in the price they quote initially, they will reduce price only to a certain limit.
A quick tip is to ask at a number of stalls, and you will realize a borderline range which they set their price at. It should give you a good idea of how much to ask for the product you want to buy.
9. Interact With The Locals
I have found people can be both incredibly kind and incredibly rude in the country. My experiences have differed depending on which places I have traveled to. Don’t let the rude people put you off. Interacting with the locals in the country will help you understand their way of life and learn about their cultures.
Remember that the culture of the people will depend on their community and where they live. India is a melting pot of cultures and contrary to what the media portrays, we live in harmony. Often celebrating each other’s festivals.
Travel Tips For India: Safety, Security And Health

A lot of people talk about how unsafe India can be. They aren’t totally off the mark. I am not going to say that our country is the safest one out there. It is far from it.
There are times as a woman, I find myself hesitant to move around in certain areas because I don’t feel safe. These are a couple of travel tips for India that focus on your safety, security and your health. Keep them in mind when visiting the country.
10. Dress Code
Victim blaming is a big thing in the country and personal space isn’t always what you are used to. Traveling in crowded areas as a woman means that you may get groped. Yes! It happens and it has happened to me at various instances and in different parts of the country.
One of the first incidents that scared me was when I was as young as ten. I say this so that you realize that children are not immune to these unwelcome advances.
Dressing modestly is expected in almost all parts of the country. One reason to do so is so that you do not attract attention. The less attention you attract the less likely you will become a target. That is what has worked for me but believe me it isn’t foolproof.
11. Beware Of Pickpockets
Another important one of our travel tips for India revolves around being aware of pickpockets. In my lifetime, I have been pickpocketed twice. Once as a child in Bangalore and once as an adult in Mumbai. The thing is that like any other country, the big cities in India do have a lot of pickpockets.
So, make sure that you don’t keep all your valuables in one place. Keep some of your cash in the hotel and don’t carry all your credit cards. Remember to keep your bag close to you and to be aware of it especially in crowded areas.
12. Avoid Travelling Alone At Night
Travelling alone is often unavoidable. I’ve taken buses and trains in the dead of the night and have been completely safe. Yet there are often times when you can feel your spidey sense tingling. Lonely streets in the night are one such place that give me the creeps and I try to avoid them at all costs.
If you take a cab or an Uber, make sure you share your location with someone so they can track you in case of an emergency.
13. Avoiding Traveler’s Diarrhea
A lot of tourists land up falling ill when they travel through the country and hence we thought we would focus a little time talking about our travel tips for India that prevent you falling ill. Traveler’s diarrhea or Delhi belly as some people call it, can be the result of many things. In fact, even Bali has something similar that they call Bali Belly!
From contaminated food and water to a very sensitive stomach, there are a lot of things that could throw your holiday for a toss. One thing that you should remember is that tap water in India is not safe for drinking. Make sure you drink filtered or bottled water only.
If you are going to eat street food, take a look at the surroundings that you are buying it in. Cooked food is less likely to get you sick that food that contains raw fruits or vegetables.
14. Various Methods Of Payment
While cash was the main form of payment, things are shaking up across the country. Debit cards and credit cards have become more popular. You will however be able to use these in stores. Apps like Google Pay, Paytm etc. have become popular even with roadside vendors. It may be something that you want to look into.
15. Avoid Drugs
You will find that a lot of foreigners talk about exploring themselves when they visit India. There are many ways in which you can do this but make sure that drugs are not a part of your exploration. This is because India has extremely strict rules about consumption of drugs. If you are caught, you will be jailed. Not something that you want on a vacation.
And there you have it. All our travel tips for India in one place. I do hope that you choose to visit India and explore the rich cultural heritage that the country has to offer. There is so much to see and do that one trip is definitely not going to do justice.
You may want to look at this comprehensive post of places to visit in India that we have compiled together with a couple of travel bloggers who know the region well. It will (hopefully!) help you narrow your list down.
Have you ever visited India? Do you have any travel tips for India that you would like to add? Let us know in the comments below.

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